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Handcrafted furniture is a process...a way of thinking.
Time spent getting to know a client. Discipline to recognize
when a design needs less instead of more. Patience to sift through all the boards in the rack at the lumberyard to find 'the one' that speaks to the design.
Intuitive design and thoughtful craftsmanship demand hours spent sketching and drawing, then machining and joining, shaping and sanding rough boards into beautifully functional objects, designed and built to last a lifetime.
Every decision is intentional, as are the decisions you make
when curating the spaces you live and work.

"The simple joy of taking an idea into one's own hands
and giving it proper form, that's exciting."
- George Nelson
​Do any of these describe you or someone you know?
I've always wanted to build furniture but don't know how
I'm a woodworker looking for ways to add to my skill set
I usually work from plans but want to learn how to design my own pieces
I love opportunities to try something new and work with my hands
Whether you've been making furniture for years and want to learn
a new technique, are just getting into woodworking and need a bit
more guidance or have never even stepped foot in a wood shop but are
fascinated by the idea of making things, STUDIOcation is for you.
YOU design the experience!

new skills

a project
